The Alpha Team Organization is committed to upholding social and creative activism and advancing multi-generation participation in humanitarianism, environmentalism, inclusivity, science and technology, democracy, and human dignity. As a microcosm of a globalized society, the organization strongly believes that these values and application of ethics in all its programs, projects, and its organization system in general, are all essential to advocate for a more just and equitable world.
The organization prioritizes a safe and respectful environment for all of its bona fide members, volunteers, officers, and participants. This code of conduct outlines our expectations for behavior and sets forth the consequences for violating these expectations. 1. Expectations: The organization expects all of its officers, volunteers, and participants to:
A. Be respectful of others, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or disability.
B. Be respectful, honest, and trustworthy.
C. Be professional and ethical in their conduct.
D. Comply with all applicable by-laws and regulations imposed by the organization.
E. Protect and comply with the rules of confidentiality of any information that they obtain in the course of their work or volunteer activities.
F. Report any suspected misconduct or wrongdoing through the appropriate mechanism mandated by the organization.
2. Consequences Any bona fide member, volunteer, or participant who is proven by due process to have violated this code of conduct may be subject to disciplinary action by the ATO Committee for Ethics and may face immediate termination of employment, membership, or volunteer status.
3. Establishing a Culture of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) The members of the Alpha Team Organization are expected to nurture and recognize diversity in terms of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, and geographical location. The organization encourages respect for all members, volunteers, and partners without any discrimination. As an organization we:
Support and ensure the democratic and human rights of all bona fide members and volunteers;
Encourage the vulnerable and air voices against their persecution and molestation;
To stand for what is true and just in the advancement of equal rights and social justice.
4. Mandating a DEI declaration in all official forms: All organization official printed and non-printed forms shall adhere to a DEI declaration statement as follows:
The Alpha Team Organization is an organization that implements equal opportunities and welcomes applications from all candidates, regardless of gender, nationality, religious and ethnic background, and disabilities. We maintain a zero-tolerance policy against sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority, fraud, bribery, bullying, corruption, and any other forms of behavior that misrepresent our organizational values.
Reference:ATO Board Resolution 2024-5: Approving an Organization Code of Conduct and Policy Statement for Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion (DEI)