For ATO, pursuing social and creative activism is not just to campaign a certain concept but also putting concept into action. Its project for climate change education titled,” ClimatEducate Project” started in April 2016 and now has members from almost 11 countries in six world regions. Recently, it launched its first community-based project, Mag-aba Mangrove Reforestation Project in January 2018. The ATO-Mag-aba Mangrove Reforestation Project (MMRP) Team after the mangrove tree planting activity last 21 January 2018. The ATO – Mag-aba Mangrove Reforestation Project was first proposed by ATO President Crystal Santillan after presenting it during a conference at the UNEP-Eco Peace Leadership Center (UNEP-EPLC) in Kangwon National University, Republic of Korea last October 2017. The project aims to be a starting point wherein ATO members, which is composed of an overwhelming number of young people, aged 25 and below, are encouraged to boost volunteerism by initiating a community project. “As a fisheries student and as a member of this community, I really support this project in the aim that it will give more than just livelihood benefits but also ecological conservation of our biodiversity-rich region.” said Ms. Honey Rose Acquin who is also an ATO member and a Project Volunteer. The project is being implemented in the coastal community of Mag-aba in Antique Province, Panay Island in Central Philippines. As of January 2018, the project is currently joined by 20 youth volunteers and 30 community leaders. It is until on June 2018 when the ATO will help in lobbying the creation of a mangrove protected area for the project’s sustainability. [END]
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